Wednesday, June 8, 2011

HST Vote

There are plenty of opinions out there about HST introduction and its potential usefulness for BC economy. Some say it is good for small business, other say it is very bad for small business (restaurant industry is particularly vocal in that regard). Some opinions are strong and somewhat emotional. Here we publish opinion of Leo Vandebyl, brother of our fellow BBNer Chuck Vanderbyl. With upcoming vote for HST debate about that tax is getting overshadowed by only Vancouver Canucks puzzling performance in Boston. Anyways, you may or may not be agreeing with Leo but make sure you vote when HST voting day comes.

Now that Premier Christie Clark has offered a rate reduction, I see a softening in the populace and that maybe they might change their vote. Voters are getting tired and wearing down and a promised reduction IN THE FUTURE will help the Federal and Provincial governments keep this tax. Not many of our taxpayers understand that the power to assess this tax was given exclusively to the citizens of the provinces and specifically negated from the Federal government by the BNA act. BC can tax its own citizens for services provided by their own elected government. The federal Government was not allowed to interfere with that direct taxation process.

Governments are spending money like drunken sailors. They are borrowing every dollar. BC is spending money that none of the taxpayers can ever pay back. What the hell, let's blow a billion on ferries, or a half billion on BC Place Stadium. The citizens of BC can never pay this back. If we halted the gluttony and stopped the out flow of money and fired all the high priced public servants, we would discover that we no longer had the power to collect taxes from our own citizens to rebuild our province. The control was passed to the Federal Government. It wasn't just passed, it was bribed by a greedy federal cabal intent on removing all provincial ability to resist their agenda. If we no longer can collect a portion of our production to rebuild our society then we are in trouble. We dance to the Cabal's tune. And we GAVE it away! 

Look at Iceland! Look at Greece! Two countries swallowed by the never ending credit spending and all their citizens are now enslaved by the people issuing FIAT currency. The bankers OWN them. Do we want that fate???

There are positive efficiencies in the HST taxation process. We should simply adopt them in the BC sales tax. We should never allow any group to control our resources and lands other than our own citizens. 

It was a $1.6 Billion dollar bribe by the Federal Government that swayed Gordon Campbell to sell our taxation rights. Make no mistake! These were not Canadian Taxpayer dollars. These were provided by the same bankers who are taking over Iceland and Greece. We never had that much surplus to give away. 

Think before you vote! Consider your fellow citizens! Protect your rights and do not sell our precious resources to the magic money machine. 

Leo Vanderbyl