Saturday, February 26, 2011

BBN Guest - Ralph Van Eijnsbergen, restaurant consultant

Bob Fletcher, our wizard of RRSP, invited Ralph Van Eijnsbergen as a guest speaker to our regular "Mostar" meeting. Ralph has launched a very interesting business - restaurant consultancy, RAVE Consulting. With 40+ years of experience in restaurant industry, Ralph's goal is help with turning any restaurant into profitable enterprise. All aspects of the business are analyzed, from inventory and location to personnel hiring, and detailed advised based on that scrupulous analyses is offered.
It was very interesting to hear about Ralph's business. It is great that consultancy of that kind is available now to Langley and Fraser Valley restaurants to improve and streamline business.
We would like to wish success to Ralph with his business and hope to see him again at our BBN meetings in future. 
Please contact our us at Fraser Valley Business Network if you need to learn more about Ralph's consultancy.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

BC ships and taxpayers money

Leo Vanderbyl, an engineer and brother of our BBN member Chuck Vanderbyl, expressed interesting opinion about ships and taxpayers money. Leo wrote a letter to North Shore News about that, which was published. As business owners and Canadian taxpayers, BBN members are not indifferent to matters Leo raised in his letter. I personally find it very strange that decision was made to import those ships from overseas that are so much less fuel efficient especially now, when greenhouse emissions cuts battle is raging across Canada. 

Even though it looks like little can be done now to offset what already done, Leo's letter may generate public debate about public funds management by public servants. We would like to hear your say about it as well. Please post your comments here.

Leo's letter can be read here: Super C's a D-grade idea

Monday, February 14, 2011

Page Rank by S.E.O. Rapper

Well, I don't want to compete with Chuck in terms of music expertise but this performer got my attention. I will be honest with you guys - this is the first time I ever heard a rap about Search Engine Optimization. Those of you who might find some difficulties with understanding technical terminology used in the song, don't hesitate to ask:)

The S.E.O. Rapper Drops Science on Search Optimization

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Member and Paul's Photo Studio

Last meeting was a little unusual for BBN members. Paul Keeris, co-owner of, invited us to his Photo Studio 1 (another business line he develops rigorously) to make a really cool professional images of BBN members and group photo of BBNers as well. Paul was very kind to provide us with complimentary coffee and overall environment of the studio was quite pleasant. Paul's clientelle in photo studio includes high profile individuals, like Miss Canada for example, and we all were very pleased to be photographed in such prestigious establishment. Photos will be displayed on out BBN website soon.

Also, we are happy to report that Laura of MommyMaids joined our Business Network. Our business networking group is growing and it is a very good sign. We welcome Laura to our group and are looking forward to see her business growing.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Members and New Guests

We are glad to announce that Don of Canada Floral Greens joined our Business Building Network. We also are looking forward to see Laura of MommyMaids Inc. as BBN member as she expressed interest to become one in nearest future. That's great to see our group growing and involving more Fraser Valley small businesses. More members and more contacts will eventually translate in better sales and stronger community.

Also we had a guest today, Rosalina Rodriguez of Tomatillo Real. It was very interesting to hear how Rosalina's company makes genuine Mexican salsa in accordance with old family recipe. We wish Rosalina best of luck in development of her business and hope to see Tomatillo Real salsa in grocery stores of Fraser Valley. Thank you Fanta for inviting Rosalina to our BBN meeting today.