Leo Vanderbyl, an engineer and brother of our BBN member Chuck Vanderbyl, expressed interesting opinion about ships and taxpayers money. Leo wrote a letter to North Shore News about that, which was published. As business owners and Canadian taxpayers, BBN members are not indifferent to matters Leo raised in his letter. I personally find it very strange that decision was made to import those ships from overseas that are so much less fuel efficient especially now, when greenhouse emissions cuts battle is raging across Canada.
Even though it looks like little can be done now to offset what already done, Leo's letter may generate public debate about public funds management by public servants. We would like to hear your say about it as well. Please post your comments here.
Leo's letter can be read here: Super C's a D-grade idea
That's incredible how much money was involved in the deal. It is even more impressive how far final cost of the project deviated from initial budget.